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Writer's pictureAllen Zelden

Are You An Environmentalist & Still Eating Meat? - Zelden's View Point

An Allen Zelden View Point Founder of Boldly Foods | Co-Founder of PlantForm | Co-Founder of FUTUREVVORLD | Future Food Advisor at Kilara Capital 'Just think about it.. There are approx. 50+ billion animals right now being farmed, fed and murdered to feed close to 8 billion people. How can that possibly be sustainable?! Notwithstanding the #ghgemissions (methane, crop fertilisers, manure, animal transport, etc), waste, and rampant #deforestation required to enable cattle ranching and pasture, let's examine the land use %'s for #animalagriculture alone (as collectively sourced here: 1. GLOBAL 80% - Livestock is the world's largest user of land resources, representing almost 80% of all agricultural land (FAO) and 45% of the entire global surface area (International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)). 2. EU 71% - Over 71% of all EU agricultural land is dedicated to feeding so-called livestock – including 63% of its arable land, which is being used to produce animal feed instead of food for people. (2019 Greenpeace report)

3.UK 85% - Animal-based foods take up 85% of the UK food supply's land footprint (62.7% grazing / 21.8% feed crops). (Research published in Global Environmental Change) 4.US 41% - Between pastures and cropland used to produce feed, 41% of US. land in the contiguous states revolves around #livestockfarming (USDA via Bloomberg)

5.AU 56% - 56% of the Australian continent is used for animal agriculture and less than 3% is used for food crops for people to eat (Beyond Zero Emissions #LandUse Report & Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment) 6.NZ - Editors Note: According to the latest data from Statistics New Zealand, as of June 2020, approximately 38% of New Zealand's land area is used for agricultural production, including both animal and plant-based agriculture. Of this agricultural land, around 41% is used for grazing of sheep and beef cattle, while around 6% is used for dairy farming. So, in total, approximately 47% of New Zealand's agricultural land is used for animal production.

So why do environmentalists still fail to promote meat reduction as an answer to the #climatecrisis?

The other INCONVENIENT TRUTH! As Brian Kateman explained for Forbes (, "meat consumption is simply not like any other cause environmental #nonprofits may be working on. Talking about meat is like opening a Pandora-box. It’s complicated and controversial. Emotions will be involved." Well the time for "emotions" has loooooong gone... 'environmentalists' inconveniently included'. 📸 World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future:

Editors comment:

Currently Folk involved in the animal meat industry continue to justify their actions using PR directed to the nutritional value of animal meat which no longer stacks up. We know this because 'new plant-based' meat (in most products) contains same and better protein levels.

'Can we still imagine ourselves as a natural link in a chain of life when there is nothing natural about the way we raise and eat our food?.....

Check out this article from Harvard University dated in 2014 entitled 'THE ETHICS OF EATING ANIMALS'

In short, there is NO justification for eating animals other than by those driven by greed and a singular desire to leave the clean-up of Planet Earth to future generations. This is not only despicable, it is also the apex of cognitive dissonance and a lack of any form of empathy for not just Planet earth but also the billions of animals ritualistically slaughtered each year. IT GOES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN FOUNDATION OF LOVE AND EMPATHY!




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