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Christchurch Bistro Grater Goods Launches NZ's First Plant-Based Salmon into Supermarkets

Christchurch-based bistro turned food manufacturer, Grater Goods, has announced the launch of New Zealand's first plant-based salmon, set to hit Foodstuffs shelves this week.

The Carrot Lox is made from carrots marinated in seaweed and dill, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional salmon. This marks the first of many store roll-outs, with Australian grocery stores firmly in Grater Goods' sights for next year.

Grater Goods Lox carrot salmon

Founder Flip Grater is excited about the public's reaction, noting how their carrot-based salmon (shown left ) has confounded even the most skeptical tasters. "Their taste buds say 'salmon,' but their brain has been told 'carrot,'" says Flip Grater. "We've converted some of the biggest skeptics out there."

The decision to create a plant-based salmon stems from environmental concerns. Rising sea temperatures, climate change, and the impact of salmon farming on the marine environment are major issues in New Zealand. Additionally, New Zealand imports $60 million worth of salmon annually, increasing the carbon footprint.

Australia's salmon industry is also facing challenges, with sustainability concerns, biosecurity risks, and environmental issues threatening some aquaculture farms. Grater sees their product as a viable alternative for consumers who want to opt out of traditional salmon but still enjoy the taste.

Grater Goods - Just like the real thing but better!!

Source: Grater Goods - Just like the real thing but better!!

Grater Goods Carrot Lox is now available in South Island New World and Pak'nSave stores, with a broader release in selected North Island and Moore Wilson stores during the month of October.

For more information CLICK HERE.




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