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Fonterra Backed Vivici Introduces Fermentation Derived Whey Protein

Dutch based Vivici, backed by NZ dairy giant Fonterra and bioinnovation leader DSM-Firmenich, has announced its capability to produce fermentation derived whey protein at scales viable for commercial markets.

The development marks a significant milestone in the 'animal-free dairy' sector, positioning the company as a key player in the United States and Europe.

Vivici Whey Powder

Source: Vivici

Established just over a year ago, Vivici has rapidly progressed to commercial-scale production, leveraging decades of expertise in dairy proteins and biomanufacturing. According to CEO Stephan van Sint Fiet, Vivici's success is rooted in its proprietary biotechnology and optimisation of yeast strains, enabling the transition from lab-scale to a 120m³ fermenter production.

"Delivering our sustainable, nutritious protein to the market with such speed is a great success for Vivici,” days Stephan van Sint Fiet.

“Consumers now demand sustainability from their favorite brands while also expecting delicious and nutritious products. We’re determined to make our sustainable protein accessible as quickly as possible.”

Vivici's beta-lactoglobulin isolate not only matches but in some aspects surpasses traditional whey protein isolates and plant protein alternatives, particularly in nutritional value. It's especially designed for fitness enthusiasts, offering optimal amino acid profiles for muscle growth and recovery.

Products made from Vivici whey powder

Source: Vivici

The company's entry into the market comes at a time when sustainability and digestibility are increasingly vital to consumers and manufacturers alike.

With a comprehensive approach spanning R&D to post-sales support, Vivici is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of building a dairy protein business based on precision fermentation.

As the demand for sustainable dairy alternatives grows, Vivici is not alone in this innovative field. Companies worldwide are exploring microbial dairy protein production, signaling a shift towards reducing the dairy industry's carbon footprint without compromising on nutritional quality.

Vivici's announcement not only underscores the technological advancements in food science but also highlights the evolving landscape of dairy consumption, offering a glimpse into a future where dairy products are produced sustainably, without cows.

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