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Gen Zoomers Pushing Cultivated Meat Development Due To Global Sustainability Concerns

Australian based cultivated meat start-up, Magic Valley cites concerns from the Gen Z or Zoomer generation, those born late nineties-early 2000's, as leading the global war-cry for more sustainable cultivated meat protein products. GenZ'ers are looking for company and product profile 'impact statements'.

Gen Z'ers in cafe

Source: Dreamstime GenZ'ers

Paul Bevan Magic Valley CEO

Paul Bevan Founder & CEO of Magic Valley says the Z generation possess a profound awareness of environmental issues, growing up at a time environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and plastic pollution have become more visible and pressing.

"Their level of awareness should not be under estimated. The decision and choice making power is coming on full-stream particularly as they confront the supermarket meat counter and the ballot box. We can see an unprecedented swing towards sustainability concerns. They are already showing a greater desire to buy non-animal/ vegan products with a deep sense of concern for a sustainable Planet Earth', says Paul Bevan.

Source: Magic Valley - Paul Bevan, CEO Magic Valley

Paul says the increasing demand for more sustainable sources of protein means Australian consumers particularly are likely to embrace cultivated meat as a viable alternative led by the Zoomer generation.

Source: Magic Valley Cultivated Meat Burger, Consumer Pack, Cultivated Pork Wontons

'The economic impacts will be profound opening up a significant growth area for the Australian economy, with the potential to create thousands of jobs in the production, processing and marketing of cultivated meat products at the same time meeting sustainability concerns', says Paul Bevan.

The ethical considerations should not be underestimated says the Magic Valley Founder.

'Many young people are concerned about animal welfare and the ethics of consuming animal products. Cultivated meat protein sources offer a way to reduce or eliminate the need for animal products in the food supply chain, which underpins the ethical choice process'.

Gen Z is often characterised as a socially responsible and politically engaged generation, and many young people see sustainability as a key issue needing to be pragmatically addressed- now. This can include issues such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, and promoting biodiversity.

'If the Gen Z's remain true to their conviction then all bodes well for a planet fit enough to support generations to come. The advent of cultivated meat - meat without the problems associated with current animal agricultural practices - could go along way in reducing carbon emissions', says Paul Bevan.

Paul says latest projections are for a consumer launch at the end of 2024 in Australia as the company awaits Australian Government certification. Meanwhile Singapore is already providing certification for cultured meat products.

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