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NZs Grater Goods Edges Towards $300k In Early Plant-Based Funding, Wants Bigger ANZ Slice

Grater Goods Founder, Flip Grater is over the moon as she attracts solid real-time funding to grow the Christchurch based plant-based deli brand with plans to enter the Australian market later this year.

'With $266,400 (at time of writing) invested from a crowd of early supporters, we’re well on our way to reaching our minimum funding target', says Flip Grater.

The gourmet plant-based startup already with 'runs on the board' is seeking a minimum of NZ$300,000 and a maximum first round size of NZ$1,500,00 to fund expansion of the New Zealand market and a move into the larger Australian plant-based market place.

Both Sydney ad Melbourne thrive on gourmet deli cold cuts and this is where Grater Goods see's its future.

The equity funding is being handled online by Equitise. CLICK HERE for details.

Flip Grater has been 'smooshing' with the Australian food industry at Foodservice Australia in Melbourne, representing her brand and showcasing products as part of a NZTE exhibition

Source: Grater Goods - Flip Grater in Melbourne talking to Australian Food Service operators

So why invest in Grater Goods?

Flip: 'Because the opportunity is huge. Here in Australasia and then further afield! Plant based food is the fastest growing culinary trend worldwide. More people consider themselves flexitarian and are actively looking for these options'.

So what is Grater Goods point of difference?

Flip: 'We are the only player in this exact space. Our point of difference is we’re focused on special occasion gourmet deli products as opposed to other plant-based brands that are producing items like fried nuggets and “meat” patties'.

Grater Goods even managed to snag a feature in New Zealand's premier financial publication the NBR.

Give us a compelling reason to invest in Grater Goods?

Flip: 'One of the most compelling reasons to invest in startups is it can be an opportunity for you to get involved with something new, exciting and innovative. While some investors are content to take a passive role, people who invest in a startup in its early stages often take a hands-on approach, offering advice and perspective'.

Source: NBR

By joining in the early stages of the business, investors have the opportunity to achieve high returns on their investment above the market'.

Grater Goods equity offer video tells the story of the company's evolution and future potential.

Source: Grater Goods

How much is required to make an initial investment?

Flip: ' There is a low barrier to entry for this raise, invest from $300'.

'In Australia and New Zealand, nearly 50% of consumers regularly seek-out foods and drinks labelled “plant-based”. Additionally, 25% of adults say they are eating more plant protein than they did in 2020, nearly 30% of adults eat meat alternatives at least once a month or more often, 40% of those aged 18–44 do so, and 33% of restaurant diners aged 18–34 are increasingly seeking out vegetarian/vegan options as a first choice on menus', says Grater Goods.

With a focus on plant-based delicatessen items, Grater Goods is charting its own course in the expanding plant-based deli meats category.




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