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Raglan Food Co Yogurt From NZ Shores To US Shelves

The notable growth of Raglan, New Zealand based Raglan Food Co is undoubtedly one of those success stories which could become a film.

What began as a kitchen table passion 9-years ago has turned into a multimillion dollar operation employing more than 30-people churning out millions of jars of coconut based fermented yogurt and all from a tiny west coast, North Island town.

Seb & Latesha Randall Founders of Raglan Food Co

Co-founders Seb and Latesha Randall (pictured left) are literally taking their coconut plant-based yogurt from NZ shores to US shelves.

Latesha says they are well on the way to achieving their US goals after a series of consumer-based blind tastings.

'Rather than establishing our own manufacturing facility (in the US), we have opted to collaborate with an existing factory for contract manufacturing. Our goal is to have our products available on store shelves in the US by the end of this year. We have already conducted trial production runs and obtained valuable feedback from consumers through blind taste-testing', says Latesha Randall.

Raglan Food Co's yogurt product have become a staple for many New Zealand households looking to move away from 'old world' dairy based products. The Raglan Yogurt label is already recognisable in markets such as Singapore, Hong Long, the Pacific Islands, the UAE and China.

Source: RaglanFoodCo

At present exports account for only 6% of the company's turnover. They have been doing their 'due diligence' in the US market for the last few years.

'Extensive groundwork has been laid in preparation for this significant milestone, marking the beginning of our sales efforts to gauge customer reception and demand. We are optimistic the response from American consumers will match the enthusiasm of our customers here in New Zealand', says Latesha Randall.

Not content to remain static this largely 'self-funded-re-investment-sustainability' business is in the process of revamping its branding and introducing a range of 'very attractive' gourmet plant-based yogurt products along with a website makeover.

Source: RaglanFoodCo

Raglan Food Co says once their collaborative operation in the US has stabilised attention will focus on Asia market where the company recognises the prevalent issue of lactose intolerance among the population. Approximately 70% to 80% of individuals in these regions naturally experience lactose intolerance, as dairy has not traditionally been a part of their dietary culture in Asia.

The company also says Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden are on the radar because of their long-standing love affair with dairy-based yogurt however due to market saturation gaining a foothold will present its own set of challenges.

Footnote: Latesha Randall is also a shareholder and Director of the NZ Biotech start-up Daisy Labs, pioneering production of dairy based protein using precision fermentation technology.

For more information about Raglan Food Co CLICK HERE




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