PFN - NZ Bottom of multi-country study into Govt. investment, strategic planning & dialogue around the emerging global alternative protein initiatives.
'The report concluded if New Zealand was to succeed in this increasingly competitive space, it needed to do more and do it faster. Barriers must be removed along with increasing national and international collaboration, as well as substantial invest in world-class talent and infrastructure. The report has raised further questions related to the potential for a more diverse protein sector in New Zealand; what the priorities should be, and how industry and government could work together to support this. A common question raised is look at ‘what are other countries and governments doing?’

New Zealand lacks a government funded 'Alternative Proteins Innovation Centre of Excellence'
The governments in Singapore and The Netherlands are demonstrating significant commitment to their alternative proteins sectors across all areas evaluated. Australia, Canada and Denmark also score very well, with clear strategic positioning of alternative proteins reinforced by funding and broader sector support.
Israel and the UK receive three stars. Both are investing large amounts of money into alternative proteins, but have yet to clearly articulate the specific role of the sector within their official national food strategies. It was a little surprising to see Israel only score mid-field, as it has a very active alternative proteins start-up community and is generally regarded as a leader in this area. However, this appears to be due to its established general innovation ecosystem and not through a specific government focus on this sector.
New Zealand achieves a single star rating, along with Ireland (government strategy has been announced, but very limited funds committed to its implementation thus far) and Sweden (minimal government activity or investment in alternative proteins).
New Zealand has no specific strategy, targets or goals related to the role of alternative proteins within its agrifood sector. It has a low level of government investment as a percentage of agriculture-related GDP (0.23%). Its current regulatory framework has not been designed with alternative proteins in mind and it restricts the commercial development of several alternative protein categories.